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  1. Infrared panels - how does it actually work?

We will try to provide a complete compendium of knowledge in this article. Heating with infrared rays is an interesting alternative for people looking for lower media costs and supporters of "green energy". What are the advantages of infrared panels? How does it work and is it safe?

We invite you to the next part of the article, where you will find an explanation of how infrared heaters work.

Infrared radiation - what exactly is it?

The word radiation in the colloquial understanding has a pejorative connotation. And wrongly, because although it is associated with radioactivity and radiation sickness, it has nothing to do with reality. 


Everything around us emits radiation. Also the sun, which is also the source of life on earth.

The sun brings light and warmth to the earth. This is due to the rays visible and invisible to the human eye. 

Visible radiation is responsible for color perception, and the invisible, below the spectrum in the red region, is responsible for thermal energy. 


Infrared heating panels work on the same principle. 


Infrared radiation emitted by the sun and infrared radiators directly affects objects within its range. 

Why do we pay attention to it?


The use in infrared heating avoids the phenomenon of convection. 

So what is convection?

We all deal with convection from an early age. It is nothing more than air circulation to distribute heat. 


Radiators under the windowsills or located in the floor, which heat our houses and apartments in the autumn and winter season, operate on the principle of convection. Warm masses of air rising from the radiator move around the room. 

The closest to the radiator is the warmest, and the farther from the window, the cooler.

We all also know the feeling of cold feet and overheated air under the ceiling, after all, the heat escapes up!


The unpleasant effect of convection heating is dust and allergens still floating in the room, irritating the respiratory system. Dry air disturbs sleep at night, hence the popularity of air humidifiers during the heating season. 


One of the causes of common colds and upper respiratory tract infections in this period is, apart from viruses, disturbed air humidity. Dry mucous membranes are easily damaged and are more susceptible to pathogens attacking them. If not convection heating, then what?

How to get healthy warmth at home?

Infrared panels heat objects within their range: people, pets, furniture, walls. Infrared rays do not affect air temperature directly, but indirectly. The air only gets warm when objects heated by the radiator (or the sun) give some of it to the outside. 


The air remains cooler by a few degrees without losing thermal comfort for the people staying in the room. Lower temperature also means higher humidity and a clear relief when breathing.

Infrared-heated walls insulate better from the outside temperature and are not exposed to fungi and mold. 


Users feel a pleasant, soothing warmth wherever they are in the room. The whole room is heated evenly.



Green energy



IR heating, infrared (from Latin: infra, which means below, and English: red: red) is called ecological, green energy. 


Infrared panels do not require a furnace and combustion of coal or coke, natural gas and wood. They don't throw tons of waste into the atmosphere. They do not cause smog. 

They convert small amounts of electricity into heat. 

All you need is access to a socket, a drill and a spirit level - and the heating is installed!


Infrared panels can be installed in any room equipped with electricity. 

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