How to heat your home ecologically?
Modern technology allows not only to build an energy-efficient house, but also
also ecological. Conscious care for the natural environment has already become a permanent feature in
the minds of many people. This is why many people choose ecological heating methods
home. What are the types of ecological heating?
How to heat a house ecologically?
One of the first proposals that involves expensive installation. However, it is possible
reimbursement in two ways. Some of the money can be recovered by applying for
co-financing from EU funds. The other part of the money will be returned along with
reducing heating bills.
There are several types of heat pumps to choose from, which are based on:
● air - however, you must remember to connect it to a balanced one
source of electricity, gas or fuel, thanks to which air heating will be able to
the right way to pass the exam.
● groundwater - there is a requirement to build two water reservoirs
(wells). The exceptions are situations when there are e.g. ponds on a given property.
The heat pump will draw groundwater from one tank and the other to the other
dispose of water that has already been used.
● ground - the pipe system must be placed approx. 1 m underground.
The whole will be a collector that will "give up" heat from the ground.
Biomass - ecological fuel
This is an offer for people whose buildings are equipped with combustion heating systems.
Instead of coal, biomass, which has long been considered an ecological fuel. Down
There are several types of such fuels to choose from. We are talking about:
● pellets - compressed wood processing waste;
● straw briquettes;
● gas;
● wood gas.
However, it must be remembered that special types of furnace are needed for biomass to work
put into use permanently. Biomass is based entirely on natural raw materials. This
that is why during its combustion, the carbon dioxide emission is so low.
Energy from the sun
When it comes to ecological ways to heat your home, you can't forget about renewable energy. Down
this group includes the sun, which powers the solar panels. Modern installation
photovoltaic is able to draw from the sun even in the case of exceptionally cloudy
days. Except that in this case the consumption will be lower - than in the case of solar
days. Solar panels, also called a mini power plant, are able to provide free
electricity, heat water and support domestic heating sources. In this case, however
proper insulation of the entire building is also important.
Electric, ecological home heating
That is, heating foils that are gaining in popularity every year. In many cases
it is currently considered as an additional source of heating. However, there is a chance
that this will change over time.
Heating foils have the advantage that they cause even heat distribution throughout the house.
To this should be added low operating costs and complete maintenance-free. They are not
also difficult to assemble. They are also appreciated for the fact that there is a possibility of customization
them to the individual needs of the investor. We are talking here, among others on aspects such as:
adjusting the power of the installation to the spatial conditions.
Ideally, the heating foil will be installed in new homes. Thanks to this
you gain a chance to spread the film evenly on the floor. Properly made
the floor will actually become a huge radiator. You can run on the floor
barefoot - which parents of small children will surely enjoy. Also worth mentioning
about the fact that it is the form of heating that does not cause excessive drying
It can also be not only ecological heating for the house, but also completely
free. However, this requires connecting the system to a photovoltaic installation, which is
will generate electricity on its own. Both systems will complement each other
guaranteeing complete failure-free operation and low (in some cases almost
zero) heating and electricity bills.