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How do infrared panels work?

We discover the secrets of infrared. How do infrared heating panels work? What is the difference between infrared heating and a traditional heater? Is infrared radiation safe for humans? You will find the answers later in the article. We invite you to read!

How do infrared heating panels work?

Infrared heating works on the same principle as the rays of the sun falling on the skin. The luminous star above our heads radiates light and warmth. The energy it emits is divided into radiation visible and invisible to our eye. Visible rays allow us to distinguish colors, and invisible rays, remaining below (infra from Latin "below") the barrier of vision, in red bands, heat the water molecules from which we are built.


Infrared radiation is divided into three types, depending on the wavelength. In the production of heating panels, safe ranges of infrared waves, FIR (Far Infrared) are used.

What is the difference between conventional heating and infrared panels?

Traditional radiators, to which we have been accustomed since childhood, heat the air surrounding the radiator with their warmth. A warm wave of heated air rises upwards, moves under the ceiling and flows cooled down the opposite wall. Then it returns cold over the floor towards the radiator and the cycle repeats. 


On frosty days, it is best to stay close to the radiator, because it is warmest there. The farther from the radiator, the cooler. 


Infrared heating panels do not directly heat the air around the radiator, but act on objects within its range, including people. 


To help you understand how infrared heating panels work, let's use a real life example. 

March sunbathing in the mountains is one of the greatest pleasures of skiers and tourists who prefer winter mountain hiking. Despite the cool air, it's nice to expose your face to the sun and enjoy the rays on your skin. However, it is enough to move into the shade for a moment, and the feeling of coolness returns. How is that possible, since the air over a meter or two cannot vary so much in temperature?


The sun does not heat the air, but the water molecules in our body. The rays penetrate the skin and act directly on the inside. The air is heated only by our warmed body.


Why is it so important?


Heating panels allow for perfect thermal comfort for humans at lower air temperatures.  This results in lower electricity consumption and lower overall heating costs. 


Cooler air makes breathing easier and does not cause problems with mucous drying. People suffering from upper respiratory tract infections will quickly find relief using infrared heating.

In addition, there is no forced air circulation. Dust particles from radiators travel with the wave of warm air and irritate the respiratory system of more sensitive people.


In addition to improving breathing comfort and lower utility bills, it is worth mentioning one more advantage of heating rooms with infrared rays. 


Infrared rays heat the walls, thus contributing to the strengthening of the thermal barrier and preventing heat loss from the inside of the building. The walls remain dry. Fungus, mold or microorganisms that develop in a humid environment are not present in rooms heated with infrared rays. 

Is it difficult to install infrared heating?

Simplicity of installation is another advantage of heating panels. It is enough to buy a radiant heater and hang it on the wall. A drill, a few dowels and a power socket - these are the only requirements to enjoy the private sun in the room.

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