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  1. Infrared heaters working? 

Infrared heating panels are increasingly replacing conventional radiators. What are the advantages of infrared heating? How does an infrared heater work? Are infrared heaters safe? In the next part of the article, we will help you dispel any doubts. We invite you to read!


In the rays of the sun…


Infrared heating panels are based on a similar principle as an older type of light bulb or sunlight. 


But let's start with the bulb. 

Do you remember older type lamps, from the era before LEDs and energy-saving bulbs? They gave off as much light as heat. 


You could warm yourself while reading a book, although the heating function was completely incidental. 

The radiant heat from the bulbs was used to heat chickens on farms, in zoos to provide optimal conditions for heat-loving reptiles or newborns in incubators. 

The prototype of light bulbs is, of course, the sun. The luminous star above our heads brings waves of light and heat to the earth. 

The sun emits radiation visible to the human eye and invisible. Visible waves make it possible to distinguish colors, and invisible, below human optical capabilities, in the infrared areas, heat.


Infrared radiation is often called infrared. The name comes from a combination of Latin and English words. Infra means in Latin: below, and red means red in English.


Three types of infrared waves of different lengths reach the earth:



  • Near infrared rays - NIR near infrared

  • Medium infrared rays - MIR medium infrared

  • far infrared radiation FIR far infrared 

Is infrared radiation safe for humans?

Infrared radiation close to NIR can be harmful to humans. Therefore, people working in near-infrared radiation conditions should be protected with protective clothing and goggles. Near infrared radiation can burn the skin and damage eyesight.


In the production of heating panels, only FIR far infrared rays are used, which do not pose a threat to humans. 

Far infrared radiation can be compared to the emission of radiation from a refrigerator or a TV set. 


It is worth mentioning that every object, including people, emits infrared radiation.

How does an infrared heater work?

Before explaining how the infrared heater works, let's focus on the traditional radiators that we have known since childhood.


The heating period in our climate begins with the arrival of autumn cold and lasts until spring. We all know the feeling when the radiators finally start to heat and a cloud of dust appears in the room. Irritating nose particles float in the air and cause sneezing, drying of the mucous membranes and an increase in upper respiratory tract infections. A difficult time begins for allergy sufferers who are sensitive to dust. 


Why does the dust that has been dormant so far begin to spin and interfere with breathing?


Due to the phenomenon of convection. 


Radiators heat the air directly around them with their heat. Warm air masses with dust particles rise because they are lighter than cold waves. The heat from the radiators accumulates under the ceiling, and then, pushed by successive heated waves of air, it falls in a cooled wave along the wall farthest from the radiator. 


The cold air mass moves just above the floor and returns to its starting point, i.e. to the radiator. The whole process starts all over again.


Convection is the movement of matter (including gases) associated with temperature differences. People staying in a room heated by convection feel the swirling of dust particles, which irritates the respiratory system and adversely affects allergy sufferers. 


The air heated by the radiator is dry and, more importantly, it spreads its heat unevenly around the room. The closest to the radiator is warmest, and the farther away the temperature drops. 



We are used to the discomfort associated with the heating season. Is there any other way to heat the house?



Infrared heaters are the solution.


Infrared panels do not heat the air and act directly on objects within their range. The air is heated as a result of being warmed by the warm bodies of people and equipment in the room. Air masses along with dust do not wander constantly irritating the respiratory system and do not cause dry mucous membranes.


The sun's rays work in the same way. Infrared radiation reaches the human skin, penetrates it and affects the water molecules it is made of. This is why we enjoy sticking our faces to the sun on a cold day. The air is cold, but our skin absorbs the heat from the sun.


Heating panels in the room radiate heat directly onto objects within their range. They evenly heat the walls, which increases the insulation against the cold from the outside. They prevent the formation of mold and fungus, even behind furniture.


The air in the room stays a few degrees cooler and therefore more humid. Thanks to this, heating costs decrease and breathing comfort increases.

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