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Are infrared heaters safe?

Infrared radiation, on the basis of which infrared heaters work, is clean and safe thermal energy. However, the first impression that the word "radiation" conveys in common perception is: radioactivity. How is it really? Are infrared heaters safe? 



Radiation around us


The world around us is immersed in waves of radiation. Radiation is any form of energy received and sent over a distance in the form of waves and a stream of particles. The source of natural radiation is the Sun, the earth's crust and man himself. Artificially generated radiation is emitted by a radio transmitter, refrigerator, TV, lamp, mobile phone and heater.  

Infrared radiation

The radiation reaching us from the sun is in the form of electromagnetic waves. It is light with two ranges: visible and invisible to humans. Thanks to the visible ranges, we distinguish colors, and the invisible bands, below the range visible to us, allow us, among others. receive pleasant warmth on the skin. 

Infrared radiation is also called infrared, from the Latin infra, i.e. below. 

Depending on the wavelength, we distinguish three types of infrared radiation:


  • NIR - near infrared, i.e. close-up radiation

  • MIR - medium infrared, medium

  • FIR - far infrared, far away


What type of infrared radiation is used in infrared heaters?


NIR, i.e. near infrared radiation, can damage the human cornea or burn the skin, but people working in conditions of near infrared radiation are equipped with goggles and protective clothing. 

However, it should be clearly stated that near radiation is not used in the production of infrared heaters.


Heating panels use safe thermal energy, FIR far infrared radiation. 

How does infrared heating work? 

Infrared heating panels operate on a similar principle to the streams of sunlight reaching us.

Man is made of 60-70% of water molecules. The sun's rays penetrate the skin and act directly on the water that we are made of. Therefore, we can feel a pleasant warmth, even on a frosty day. 


Infrared heating does not heat the air in the room, as is the case with traditional heating with room heaters, but the objects within its range. These objects are walls, furniture and us, people. The heating of the air occurs in the secondary action. It is from infrared heated objects that the air heats up. 

How is this supposed to increase the comfort and safety of people in the room?


The advantage of infrared heating over the conventional method based on the effect of burning fossil fuels consists in several basic aspects:


  • Infrared heating does not force air circulation in the room. Traditional radiators heat the air around them, which "escapes" to the ceiling, moves overhead and cooled down on the other side of the room. Then it returns cold to the radiator and the process repeats. Each of us knows this phenomenon perfectly well. Each of us also feels the dust that swirls in the air, moved by constantly rising waves of heat and the unpleasant feeling of dryness in the mouth and nose accompanying us during the heating season. Hence the problems of allergy sufferers and repeated infections of the upper respiratory tract. Infrared heating does not move or heat the air directly, but objects within its range.

  • And here we come to another point of advantage of infrared heating. The air in an infrared-heated room is several degrees cooler and at the same time more humid than in a radiator-heated room. Importantly, a person staying in a room with a lower temperature does not feel this difference as discomfort, quite the opposite. Feels comfortable warmth and more pleasant air to breathe. 

  • Infrared heating does not require the use of fossil fuels, and thus there is no smoke from the home chimney, which is the main cause of smog during the heating period. The energy to power infrared heaters comes from an electrical outlet, and it is widely known that modern power plants have modern and ecological ways to purify smoke from combustion. In addition, the cost of electricity consumption to heat the house in winter is lower than with conventional heating. After a month of using infrared heaters, you can see for yourself.

  • Simplicity of assembly - all you need is a drill and a few dowels to, in combination with basic technical skills, install the infrared heater yourself

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